The Diminished Triad Struggle 

When I first got into jazz, there was one type of chord always threw me off. The diminished or half-diminished chord. It frustrated me that I each time it showed up I use the same old pattern. As an improvising jazz musician, that is not something you aim for.

If I had had the diminished triad hack back then, it would have spared me a lot of stress, coming up with new patterns on the go.

The Secret Sauce

In this video I’m going to show you how to easily remember the three most important shapes of the diminished triad to improve your improvisation and bassline building skills.

I'm also giving you a couple of reasons why you should check out the diminished triad even if you don't play jazz!

About Mischa Marcks

MMeducation blog advanced bass lessons and tutorials

Hey Basshacker, my name is Mischa Marcks and I'm the founder of MMEducation. A place where I share my personal experiences and the lessons I learnt from players like Victor Wooten, Marcus Miller and Gary Willis. Read more...

In this video you'll learn:
- The three most important shapes of the diminished triad.
- Why it's important to check them out, even if you're not a jazz player.
- How to determine which shape makes the most sense in any given chord progression.

Watch more related videos:

1. The Minor Triad Hack:

2. The Major Triad Hack:

3. The Harmonics Formula:

See you in the next video! Can’t wait? Then check out my Youtube channel to find more videos on advanced bass techniques and practicing hacks: 

Love & Bass✌️

PS: Become part of the MMEducation Community, grab my "TOP 10 PRACTICING HACKS" e-book and get notified about new tutorials and courses by signing up here:

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